

Properties to be sold at Sheriff Sale

All properties are sold “as is” and are not available for viewing. If you have serious interest in purchasing a property, it is recommended you contact an attorney for advisement. Prospective purchasers (Third Party Bidders) should carefully review the status of title, including unpaid taxes, unpaid water bills, and other items such as zoning restrictions which may limit use of the property. Bates Legal Group, LLC makes no warranties as to the status of title for any property. Title is conveyed to Sheriff Sale purchasers "as is" and without representations as to lien priority or status, or the existence or absence of easements, restrictions or other liens or encumbrances.

At sale, once the opening bid is made, others are welcome to bid on the properties. The property will be awarded to the highest bidder. Successful bidders are required to have 10% of their bid in readily available funds (i.e., cash, money order or certified check) at the time of the sale. The balance is due ten (10) days from the time of the confirmation hearing, along with certain transfer fees. The Circuit Court, in its discretion, will either confirm the sale, or require that a new sale be held.

Sheriff Sales are conducted by the Sheriff in the county in which the property is located. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with each county’s specific requirements, terms and conditions for Sheriff Sales.

Bates Legal Group, LLC Disclosure and Disclaimer of Liability


Sheriff Sale schedule

Bates Legal Group, LLC is providing the attached link to Scheduled Sheriff Sales, which Bates Legal Group, LLC has set on behalf of clients, for informational purposes only. Bates Legal Group, LLC makes no warranties, either express or implied, as to the completeness, comprehensiveness or accuracy of the information included in the Sheriff Sale Schedule.

Bates Legal Group, LLC further reserves the right to make changes to the information at any time, without notice, but has no obligation to do so. Bates Legal Group, LLC reserves the right to cancel, adjourn or reschedule any Sheriff Sale pursuant to instructions from its clients or the Court. The appearance of Scheduled Sheriff Sales is no guarantee that a property will be sold on the scheduled sale date and time. Parties should consult local Sheriff Sale Publication Notices for additional information regarding any such sales.

All information included in the Scheduled Sheriff Sale List is provided for informational purposes only and no interested person may rely on the accuracy of the information contained therein. By clicking “accept” in order to view the Sheriff Sale Schedule, you are agreeing that the information contained therein is for informational purposes only, that you are not relying on the information contained therein to make any decisions of any nature whatsoever, and likewise acknowledge and agree that neither Bates Legal Group, LLC nor any client of Bates Legal Group, LLC makes any representation as to the accuracy of the information contained therein.