Wisconsin Extends Safer at Home Order Expiration to May 26, 2020

Click on the header to read Emergency Order #28 in it’s entirety. As for some highlights, while schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year, certain businesses and activities will be able to expand their service and operations. Some non-essential businesses will be able to perform Minimum Basic Operations (as defined in the Order), Golf Courses can reopen with limitations on April 24 at 8:00am, Public Libraries and Art and Craft Stores will provide curb-side pick-up, and Aesthetic Exterior Work will be allowed so long as it can be performed by one person. Restaurants and Bars, while ordered to remain closed, may allow customers to enter for the exclusive purposes of ordering, picking up and paying for food and beverages. However, neither food nor beverage may be consumed on premises either indoors or outdoors.